Profhilo is an advanced injection treatment that is becoming increasingly popular due to its skin hydration and rejuvenating properties. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, Profhilo contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, which works to improve skin texture, hydration, and elasticity through bio-remodelling.
Profhilo treatment is generally safe and effective, it is always possible that there are some risks involved, therefore, you should be equipped with enough information to make an informed decision as to whether or not you wish to undergo the treatment.
Common Side Effects of Profhilo
Most side effects from Profhilo are mild and temporary. These include:
- Redness and Swelling: Temporary redness and swelling at the injection areas are common and typically subside within a few hours to a couple of days.
- Bruising: Bruising can occur due to needle punctures but usually resolves within a few days.
- Tenderness and Soreness: Mild discomfort in the treated areas may be experienced, generally dispersing shortly after the procedure.
- Lumps or Bumps: Small lumps may form at the injection areas; these are usually temporary and disappear as the product integrates with the skin.
- Itching and Discomfort: In some individuals, the treated area may become uncomfortable or itchy. This normally goes away on its own and is minor and transient.
Rare But Serious Side Effects
While rare, certain complications can occur if Profhilo is not administered correctly or if other factors come into play. These include:
- Allergic Reactions: Although uncommon, allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid can occur, showing as itching, rash, hives, or swelling. If these symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor right away.
- Infection: If sterile techniques are not followed, there is a risk of infection at the injection sites. The signs include redness, irritation, discomfort, and pus development.
- Vascular Occlusion: If Profhilo is accidentally injected into a blood vessel, it can block blood flow, leading to skin necrosis (tissue damage) or scarring.
- Severe Bruising or Haematoma: Improper injection techniques or injecting too deeply can cause extensive bruising or blood pooling under the skin.
- Prolonged Lumps: In some cases, lumps or nodules persist longer than expected, requiring corrective measures.
- Asymmetry: Uneven distribution of the product may lead to asymmetry, particularly if the injections are not precise.
- Skin Discolouration or Necrosis: In rare cases, improper injection techniques can lead to skin discolouration or tissue death due to inadequate blood supply.
- Nerve Damage: Though rare, nerve damage may occur, leading to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation in the treated area. This can result from improper injection techniques or anatomical variations.
Factors Contributing to Side Effects
Several factors can contribute to Profhilo treatment complications:
- Practitioner Expertise: Choosing a skilled and experienced doctor is essential. Proper injection methods and understanding of facial anatomy considerably reduce the likelihood of problems. Inexperienced practitioners may lack the necessary skills to understand facial anatomy, injection depths, and appropriate dosage, leading to improper techniques.
- Patient Health: Individual health conditions, such as skin infections near the injection area or allergies to hyaluronic acid, can increase the likelihood of side effects.
- Anatomical Variations: Unique facial anatomy or previous surgical alterations can pose challenges during injection, potentially increasing the risk of nerve injury or uneven product distribution.
- Aftercare Compliance: Not adhering to post-treatment guidelines, such as avoiding strenuous activities or sun exposure, can worsen side effects and impede the healing process.
How to Prevent Profhilo Complications?
To minimise the chances of Profhilo going wrong, it’s important to take a few precautions:
- Choose a Qualified Practitioner: Ensure that you have the procedure done by a licensed and experienced practitioner who specialises in injectable treatments. They should be knowledgeable about the anatomy of the skin and have experience with hyaluronic acid treatments.
- Thorough Consultation: Before your treatment, schedule a consultation to discuss your medical history, any allergies, and your aesthetic goals. This will help ensure that Profhilo is the right treatment for you and that you’re a good candidate.
- Pre-Treatment Guidelines: Avoid blood-thinning medications, alcohol, and caffeine before treatment to minimise the risk of bruising.
- Follow Aftercare Instructions: After your treatment, follow the aftercare instructions given by your practitioner. This may include avoiding direct sun exposure, not touching or massaging the treated areas, and using recommended skincare products.
- Know the Signs of Complications: Be aware of any unusual signs such as excessive swelling, bruising, or changes in skin colour, and contact your practitioner immediately if you notice anything concerning.
Final Thoughts
Profhilo remains a highly effective and safe treatment when performed by skilled and qualified professionals. However, it’s important to take note of the potential risks and learn how to prevent or treat complications to get the best outcome possible. If you’re considering Profhilo, take the time to research your practitioner and discuss any concerns before proceeding.